Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 4: Medicine +Technology + Art

It is hard for me to see the connection to between medicine, technology, and art. Of course, this was before I reviewed the materials for week four. However, from what I could gather I believe technology and medicine’s connection with art stems from their obvious connection to life itself.  And life, to me, is art put into multiple forms at a constant and continuous rate. I also want to add in that it is not only life as in someone/a thing who is living, but even after death. We can see this through the forms of art that have taken place throughout the course of history with corpses. We can also see this in not only a physical sense, but also in the metaphysical sense when concerning transcendence, nirvana, heaven, etc.

Other than the videos we were required to watch, I think it was the Hippocratic Oath article that made me realize the relationship between art and medicine the most; I am taking from the modern Hippocratic Oath. They emphasize human beings, life, and art. I believe that they emphasized those three subjects because in taking care of a human being, one cannot be…un-human…so in order to carry out the responsibilities of a doctor, he or she must be human; which requires he/she to see the beauty in their practice (before and after).

          I guess what I am trying to say is bit confusing, but I hope whoever reads this will get the gist of it. 

Works Cited
Casini, Silvia. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as Mirror and Portrait: MRI Configurations between
            Science and the Arts. N.p.: Ca' Foscari Universita Di Venezla, n.d. PDF.
Tyson, Peter. "The Hippocratic Oath Today." PBS. PBS, 27 Mar. 2001. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
Vesna, Victoria. "Medicine Pt1." YouTube. YouTube, 21 Apr. 2012. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
Vesna, Victoria. "Medicine Pt2." YouTube. YouTube, 21 Apr. 2012. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

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